• Press Releases

    Ageing power plants forecast to drive up grid supply costs until end of decade

    New forecasts from Cornwall Insight’s Power Curve Report show that the price paid to electricity generators to maintain a stable electricity supply in the UK will remain at least £51 per kilowatt (kW) annually until the end of the decade. Substantially higher than the current £18kW rates. Ageing power plants...

  • Press Releases

    Cornwall Insight responds to the Government’s announcement on UK energy security

    Kate Mulvany, Principal Consultant, at Cornwall Insight said: “Today’s consultation gets the UK one step closer to a secure and future-proofed energy landscape. Bolstering national power infrastructure and ensuring energy security will not only help insulate future bill-payers from global uncertainties, but also foster a sustainable path towards net zero....

  • Press Releases

    Reform of electricity network charges and balancing markets could fast-track energy transition

    Reforming charges for using the electricity network and reviewing how generators and customers provide flexibility to the system, could accelerate cost-effective decarbonisation of the electricity system, and help GB meet its net-zero targets. A new report1, from Cornwall Insight in partnership with SSE, explores how rethinking the Transmission Network Use...

  • Press Releases

    Market reforms could shield consumers from high electricity bills

    Reforming the electricity market is essential to delivering a cost-effective, stable, net zero-ready energy system, according to a new report published today.   The document, Transforming the energy market: how change will work for consumers, which is a joint venture between Cornwall Insight and the MCS Charitable Foundation, urges the government...

  • Media Mentions

    Current+| REMA Consultation

    On 8th March the government published it's REMA consultation summary. In response our Head of Assets & Infrastructure and Networks Tom Faulkner discussed why genuine reform of the energy market could only be accomplished through a structural transformation of the current market arrangements. Current+

  • Press Releases

    Cornwall Insight’s response to the publication of the REMA consultation summary

    The government has today published the summary of responses received from its Review of Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA) consultation. The responses received showed the industry has expressed strong support (92% agreement) for energy market reform that prioritises decarbonisation, security of supply, and cost-effectiveness. Respondents also agreed that the current market...

  • Press Releases

    Cornwall Insight’s reaction to the BEIS consultation on the Review of Electricity Market Arrangements

    Gareth Miller, Chief Executive at Cornwall Insight said: “Confirming the Review of Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA) opens the prospect of a complete overhaul of the electricity market in Great Britain, for the first time in over 20 years. The scope is very wide, and the perceived need for reform from...

  • Press Releases

    Two thirds of energy industry professionals think the market needs to be drastically reformed, but say locational pricing is not the answer

    A survey conducted of over one hundred leading energy market professionals from across the investment and advisory community, by Cornwall Insight, from the attendees of its Financing Net Zero forum, has shown nearly two thirds (63%) of people working in the energy industry1 believe the UK market needs to be...

  • Press Releases

    Rushing into reform of the electricity market risks significantly inflating costs

    The Review of Electricity Market Arrangements [REMA] announced by the government in its recently published Energy Security Strategy must be undertaken with a strong focus on protecting investor momentum if the government are to meet their net zero, energy security and consumer affordability objectives. REMAs remit is wide and includes...