• Press Releases

    Delayed closure of Eraring forecast to cut NSW power prices by 40%

    New power price forecasts suggest pushing back the closure date of Eraring power station from 2025 to 2027 will cut NSW power prices by 44%, dropping from a predicted $153/MWh to $86/MWh in 2026 - a fall of $67. The data included in Cornwall Insight’s NEM Benchmark Power Curve report...

  • Press Releases

    New power grid rules could reduce battery funding and lifespan

    New rules proposed by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) could reduce the revenue streams available to batteries and cut their lifespan. The proposed change would require batteries with a capacity of 5MW or greater to respond automatically to small changes in power system frequency, known as a Primary Frequency...

  • Press Releases

    VNI West Project could delay the retirement of coal generators

    Analysis conducted by Cornwall Insight Australia reveals that certain coal plants in New South Wales (NSW) may benefit from delaying their retirement, following the release of new plans for the VNI West transmission project. The 'conclusions report' from the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) indicates that under the preferred scenario...

  • Press Releases

    Proposed change in capacity forecasts for National Electricity Market an important step towards accuracy

    Data analysed by Cornwall Insight Australia, as part of our ongoing review of the National Electricity Market (NEM), has shown the capacity of the NEM is being drastically overestimated in the short-term and underestimated in the long-term. The delays experienced by new connections and the exclusion of projects that are...

  • Press Releases

    Cornwall Insight Australia’s response to the suspension of the east coast National Electricity Market

    On 15 June the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) made the decision to suspend the east-coast National Electricity Market (NEM). This was triggered by sustained high wholesale electricity pricing, which forced AEMO to cap the wholesale price, in turn prompting generators to withdraw capacity from the market. The suspension allows...

  • Press Releases

    7GW of battery storage projects in the pipeline across Australia

    Projections from Cornwall Insight Australia show there is ~7GW of battery storage projects proposed or currently in the planning process. Of that 7GW there is just over 900MW of committed or significantly progressed storage projects set to be delivered by 2024. Key findings ~7GW of battery storage projects either proposed...

  • Press Releases

    Number of sub-800MW demand periods double and sub-700MW quadruples in just a year

    On the 6 February, AEMO issued market notice 73857 in response to the enduring islanding of the SA network. The notice informed the market that when South Australian (SA) demand falls under 800MW several generators, including more than 500MW of wind and 300MW of solar will be constrained down to...