• Press Releases

    Renewables Obligation mutualisation predicted to be triggered

    Forecasts from Cornwall Insight’s ‘Within-term ROC market forecast’ predict a potential shortfall in the 2020-21 Renewable Obligation (RO) buy-out and late payment fund of over £170mn, with 16 supplier exits to date that could impact upon the scheme’s payments. Furthermore, it predicts that mutualisation will be triggered for the 2021-22...

  • Media Mentions

    Current | RO Mutualisation

    Tim Dixon shared his thoughts on the recent announcement by Ofgem on RO Mutualisation. In September, we commented that the threshold was once again being neared. Suggesting there is a potential shortfall in the RO buy-out fund of approximately half of the £16.94 million mutualisation threshold at the time. Unfortunately,...

  • Press Releases

    Cornwall Insight comments on Renewables Obligation mutualisation

    Commenting on the announcement that Ofgem has confirmed mutualisation has been triggered for the 2019-20 compliance period (CP 18) of the Renewables Obligation (RO), Tim Dixon, Wholesale Team Lead Cornwall Insight, said: “This will be the third consecutive year in a row that mutualisation will have been triggered. This CP...

  • Media Mentions

    Current | Risk of RO mutualisation

    Our predictions of RO Mutualisation was featured in Current. Tim Dixon explained that there is a potential shortfall in the RO buy-out fund of approximately half of the £16.94 million mutualisation threshold. Contrary to the two previous compliance periods where the mutualisation trigger was breached, it is not currently expected...

  • Press Releases

    Heightened risk of suppliers failing to meet their Renewables Obligation

    Latest forecasts from Cornwall Insight show a potential shortfall in the Renewables Obligation (RO) buy-out fund of approximately half of the £16.94mn mutualisation threshold. Supplier exits to date alone are not expected to trigger the mutualisation process. However, there is a heightened risk that some active suppliers may now be...

  • Press Releases

    Cornwall Insight Explainer: Renewable Obligation Mutualisation

    Ofgem confirmed on 7 November that mutualisation for the Renewables Obligation (RO) had been triggered for 2018-19 – Compliance Period (CP) 17 – the second consecutive year this has happened. The initial shortfall in buy-out payments was £206.0mn, more than double last year’s level, against a total amount owed of...

  • Press Releases

    Cornwall Insight comments on the looming Renewables Obligation mutualisation

    The end of this month marks the end of the annual Renewables Obligation (RO) compliance period where electricity suppliers that have not already fulfilled their obligation must make payments into the ‘late payment fund’. Last year, the series of supplier exits from the market created a shortfall in payments due...

  • Press Releases

    Cornwall Insight responds to Ofgem’s announcement on Toto energy exiting the market

    Commenting on Ofgem’s announcement that Toto Energy has ceased to trade Robert Buckley Head of Retail and Relationship Development at Cornwall Insight, said:  “Failure of any business affects many people, including its customers, and it is always sad to see one fail. “The Renewables Obligation (RO) deadline is looming, and...

  • Press Releases

    Higher energy bills likely due to the Saudi oil attacks

    Confirmation from the Saudi Arabian energy minister that drone strikes had reduced the country’s oil output by around half is set to resonate across the energy markets, raising the prospect of higher energy bills for customers. Early trading today has seen the price of oil increase from $60.22/bl to $71.95/bl...

  • Press Releases

    More than £40mn to be recovered from consumers due to failed suppliers Renewable Obligations

    As generators are starting to receive their final Renewables Obligation Certificates (Rocs) for generation during the compliance period (CP)17 (2018-19) of the Renewables Obligation (RO), eyes will soon be turning to suppliers regarding the upcoming compliance deadline this summer. Latest calculations from Cornwall Insight’s Long-term Roc Market Forecast, predict that...

  • Press Releases

    Renewable Obligation mutualisation predicted to be almost £44mn

    To protect the financial integrity of the Renewables Obligation (RO), a mutualisation mechanism kicks-in where sufficient missing payments creates a shortfall in the buy-out fund. Mutualisation recovers these missing payments from the remainder of the supply market. Mutualisation was triggered for Compliance Period (CP) 16 (2017-18) after 14 suppliers failed...