GB Power Market Outlook to 2030

  • Media Mentions

    City AM| Energy Bill Support

    Our Principal Consultant Dr Craig Lowrey spoke in City AM on the financial relief that the government and wider industry should be looking to provide consumers, given energy bills were predicted to stabilise well above pre-energy crisis levels. He also emphasised that the government needed to keep a focus on...

  • Media Mentions

    The Times| Long-term energy forecasts

    The Times featured our Benchmark Power Curve forecast, revealing that energy prices were projected to remain elevated until the late 2030s, as stated by Tom Edwards, Senior Modeller at Cornwall Insight. In his conversation with The Times, Edwards explained that factors such as escalating power demand, growing exports, and dependence...

  • Press Releases

    New forecast warns power prices to remain elevated until late 2030s

    Cornwall Insight has unveiled its latest GB Power Market Outlook to 2030, revealing that power prices in Great Britain will not shift below pre-2022 levels until the late 2030s. The report cites the surging demand for power as the main driver behind this trend, as the move to electric heating...

  • Press Releases

    Increase in energy exports to the continent raises long-term GB power price predictions

    Cornwall Insight's latest report on the GB Power Market Outlook to 2030 has seen a rise in our projections for power prices in the latter half of the decade. Estimates indicate that prices are likely to remain above £100/MWh until 2030 and likely beyond. The predictions, from data modelled in...

  • Media Mentions

    Current+| long-term power prices

    Following the release of our fourth 2022 GB Power Market Outlook to 2030 our Senior Modeller Tom Edwards spoke to Current+ on why our modelling predicted power prices were unlikely to reach pre-2021 levels this decade. Current+

  • Press Releases

    Drop in power price predictions up to 2030 but prices to remain above pre-pandemic levels for next decade

    New data from Cornwall Insight has shown a drop in our predictions for power prices up to 2030 as Europe secures alternative energy supplies to compensate for reduced gas flows from Russia. The data included in our fourth 2022 – GB Power Market Outlook to 2030 – has shown price...

  • Press Releases

    Offshore wind crucial to stabilising the UK energy market 

    Data from Cornwall Insight included in our third 2022 - GB Power Market Outlook to 2030 - has forecast a drop in prices from late 2023, as gas prices fall from current peaks. Later in the decade, renewables play a key role in the levelling out of prices despite increased...