rule changes

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Fast Frequency Response (FFR) market: Is the NEM prepared for a new market?

    In July 2021, final rules were published to introduce two new market ancillary services – a very fast raise and very fast lower service. These markets would provide an FCAS contingency response faster than the existing 6-second market. The Fast Frequency Response (FFR) markets are set to commence on 9...

  • Business supply and services

    Australian Chart of the week | Retail markets: the biggest shake-up since deregulation?

    The energy retail sector in Australia is undergoing a significant shake-up. This is largely due to regulatory intervention, ongoing rule changes and market entry. Consequently, there have been concerns over retailers who charge disengaged households and small businesses higher rates and generally rising retail prices. As a result, two default...

  • Regulation and policy

    Chart of the week | UIG UNC SOS

    Unidentified gas (UIG), continues to create issues for shippers and suppliers alike. Since the introduction of new gas settlement arrangements in June 2017, the UIG process has been problematic. The nub of the issue is that the initial allocation of UIG volumes can range between -15% and +25% of all...