energy switching

  • Home supply and services

    Switching duck: electricity switches to remain subdued in the near future

    In November 2021, switching levels plummeted in response to rising tariff prices and a lack of market choice. By January 2022, domestic switching reached its lowest level on record, falling 80% on January 2021. This 'Chart of the week' checks in with the options, if any, available to households wanting...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Chart of the week | Nearly 6mn customers switched electricity supplier in 2020

    This article was originally published as part of a larger piece in Energy Spectrum, published on 25 January 2021. To find out more about a subscription to Energy Spectrum, contact Nick on This week's 'Chart of the week' discusses the latest electricity switching figures from Energy UK, published on 21...

  • Home supply and services

    Chart of the week | Is switching recovering after lockdown lows?

    Energy UK’s electricity switching statistics for October show that there were 591,156 supplier switches during the month. This figure is down 6% on October 2019, and is the lowest switching seen in an October since 2016. Yet, switching has reached a high for 2020 despite COVID-19, even though that high...

  • Home supply and services

    Pixie Chart of the week | Varying supplier switching rates revealed across Scotland

    Figures from Electralink, and released by Citizens Advice Scotland, have revealed that there is ‘huge variation’ across Scotland in the rates at which households switch their energy supplier. Residents of local authorities in the north tend to switch energy supplier much less frequently, despite potential savings being available. The switching rate in...