
  • Home supply and services

    Chart of the week | Road to recovery: COVID-19 and the smart rollout

    The full impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the smart meter rollout is uncertain, although modelling from BEIS and Ofgem has provided early indications of future installation levels. In this week’s Chart of the week we compare these assessments against pre-pandemic expectations. With the introduction of social distancing and lockdown...

  • E-mobility and low carbon

    Pixie Chart of the week | City Connections on Climate and Energy

    The Urban Transport Group has released a report focusing on the connections between transport, energy and the built environment at the city-region level. This week's Chart of the Week highlights the importance of cities in their contributions to CO2 emissions as well as their enhanced ability to achieve emissions reduction through innovative projects,...

  • Home supply and services

    Chart of the week | Better late than never: smart rollout gets new targets

    Last week BEIS announced that the rollout of smart meters will continue past the original 2020 deadline to 2024. In this Chart of the Week, we will look at some of the implications of delays to the smart meter rollout and highlight four key industry programmes that may be affected. Government has described...

  • Heat networks

    Pixie Chart of the week | ESC show how heat services benefit consumers

    In August Energy Systems Catapult (ESC) published three insight papers as part of the Smart Systems and Heat Programme. In this week’s Pixie Chart of the week – ­we take a closer look at the three insight papers and discuss some interesting consumer themes.

  • Regulation and policy

    Chart of the week | No limits: Plan unveiled for move to market-wide HHS

    The Design Working Group (DWG) has published its plan for how the electricity sector could move towards half-hourly settlement (HHS) for the whole market. The Transition Approach Plan seeks to keep the changes that different types of supply point will face separate from one another, in order to prevent delays. In this Chart...