battery storage assets

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Mandated PFR tunes out regulation FCAS markets – What happens to batteries?

    The introduction of the mandatory Primary Frequency Response (PFR) in September 2020 improved frequency control of the NEM considerably, as highlighted by AEMO. In this Chart of the week, we look at NEM mainland FCAS regulation services dispatch before and after PFR implementation and the behaviour of the Hornsdale Power...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Don’t look back in anger: are peaking assets exploiting 5-min price spikes?

    Building on our previous Chart of the week in October, where we reviewed the first couple of weeks of 5-minute settlement, we wanted to revisit this topic. Now two months in, we take another look and see how well the fastest responding assets in the NEM are capturing the best...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Australian Chart of the week | Distribution networks unDER the pump

    Rooftop solar has grown rapidly over the last decade, numbers indicate that almost 10GW has been installed across the NEM. However, AEMO’s projections indicate that there is still plenty more to come (~4GW over the next decade). The effects of behind-the-meter (BTM) solar on market outcomes are well documented (including...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Australian Chart of the week | Guess who’s back… Batteries are back… back again

    We have seen a number of Australian storage projects announced over the past four months. AGL has announced 200MW of storage with Maoneng and a further 100MW in Queensland. Neoen has also announced an upgrade to the Hornsdale Power Reserve (HPR) by another 50MW. This week's Chart of the week is an update...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Australian Chart of the week | Where in the market are battery storage revenues?

    Storage is seen as a technology that will solve many of the issues on the grid. This includes providing peaking energy, correcting frequency events and providing network support. In this Chart of the week, we take a look at four battery storage systems currently active in the NEM. These are...