• Energy storage and flexibility

    “Each day looking for new ways to go on”: could a renewable capacity market assist hydrogen turbines?

    The rise of renewables has seen the need for additional firming capacity in order to smooth renewable output and replace coal capacity in the evening peak. The ESB and federal Ministers are currently in discussions regarding the development (or not) of a capacity market for the NEM. Interestingly from the...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Houston, we have a transmission problem

    Variable Renewable Energy is making tremendous strides towards the predominant energy source in the NEM, but its voracious capital intensity is over-running existing transmission capacity. Consumers are faced with a $3.5bn transmission build cost over the next 20 years, which to return value relies heavily on the emergence of grid...

  • Low carbon generation

    Australian Chart of the week | Out of sight, not out of mind: DER record growth continues

    The growth in behind-the-meter distributed energy resources (BTM DER) has been a key feature of the NEM over recent years. BTM solar has grown from ~1-2% of total energy supplied five years ago to ~6% this year. In fact, looking within the day, the percentage of supply being provided by...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Australian Chart of the week | When they were up they were up – have we underestimated DER

    It has been a big couple of months for Distributed Energy Resources (DER), especially in relation to the policy and regulations that will play a large role in how these assets are controlled in the future. Over the last month we have seen Energy Networks Australia release their Open Energy...