
  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Chart of the week | What’s in it for me? Household grid balancing

    The current dearth in energy demand and high renewable generation has brought the need for flexible consumption sharply into focus. Last weekend, Octopus Energy paid thousands of smart meter customers to use energy. Industry is now seriously looking at how households will be supported in their participation in demand side...

  • Low carbon generation

    Australian Chart of the week | Falling wholesale power prices, but for how long?

    The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) has recently published its Residential Electricity Price Trends report. The report's key finding shows that household power prices may fall over the next three years. This is likely due to a drop in wholesale prices which is a consequence of improved supply of generation...

  • Business supply and services

    Australian Chart of the week | Retail markets: the biggest shake-up since deregulation?

    The energy retail sector in Australia is undergoing a significant shake-up. This is largely due to regulatory intervention, ongoing rule changes and market entry. Consequently, there have been concerns over retailers who charge disengaged households and small businesses higher rates and generally rising retail prices. As a result, two default...