market design

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Mandated PFR tunes out regulation FCAS markets – What happens to batteries?

    The introduction of the mandatory Primary Frequency Response (PFR) in September 2020 improved frequency control of the NEM considerably, as highlighted by AEMO. In this Chart of the week, we look at NEM mainland FCAS regulation services dispatch before and after PFR implementation and the behaviour of the Hornsdale Power...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Don’t look back in anger: are peaking assets exploiting 5-min price spikes?

    Building on our previous Chart of the week in October, where we reviewed the first couple of weeks of 5-minute settlement, we wanted to revisit this topic. Now two months in, we take another look and see how well the fastest responding assets in the NEM are capturing the best...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    I’m pickin’ up good vibrations

    We are just through the first two weeks of 5-minute settlement. While there has been much anticipation regarding the implementation and the potential for drastic swings in prices, we felt it was an excellent time to take a quick look at the pricing outcomes to see if any immediate trends...

  • Low carbon generation

    Chart of the week | Market design concepts for offshore wind farms

    The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) published a position paper on offshore wind development in October, where it advocated applying a holistic perspective when choosing the market design concept for integrating large amounts of offshore wind generation. ENTSO-E considered three perspectives on market design: Market design...