carbon price

  • Low carbon generation

    Carbon prices: a key driver of emissions reduction?

    Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment Richard Bruton was reported in the Irish Times on 29 November 2018 as saying that Ireland is 95% off meeting its binding EU Greenhouse gas targets. Ireland’s draft National Energy and Climate Plan 2021-2030 (NECP) is due to be delivered to the European Commission by 31 December...

  • Low carbon generation

    The only way is up: drivers of carbon price increases

    Introduction Significant bullish momentum has led to a 60% gain in 2018 EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) carbon prices (officially known as EU Allowances (EUAs) which represents one ton of CO2). The EU ETS, launched in 2005, has seen significant price fluctuations since its inception. Despite carbon prices starting...