
  • E-mobility and low carbon

    UK plans EV recovery

    As the UK plans its recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, the energy and electric mobility sectors are set to play a key role in delivering economic rehabilitation centred on net zero. Here we discuss the outlook for the electric vehicles alongside recent policy actions made specifically to aid the sector...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    CRU implements COVID-19 supply suspension scheme

    On 1 May, the CRU set out the details of its decision to implement a temporary supply suspension scheme for eligible SME electricity and gas customers due to the impact of the pandemic. It said that the unique and extraordinary circumstances of the current situation require a modification to the current approach...

  • Low carbon generation

    Podcast key takeaways | James Brabben discusses the role of gas in the UK power market

    James Brabben, our Wholesale Manager, spoke to William Powell, Editor in Chief, in the inaugural podcast for Natural Gas World. The podcast discusses the latest issues of the day in the gas market and includes a deep dive into the GB gas market by James. In this blog, we take...

  • Low carbon generation

    The Balancing Mechanism and BSUoS under lockdown

    The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown restrictions have severely impacted the GB energy market with demand and prices at record lows. As market conditions have drastically changed, National Grid Electricity System Operator (NG ESO) has been much in the spotlight, with the current low demand scenario providing new operational challenges....

  • Regulation and policy

    Building foundations: Improving outcomes for vulnerable customers now and in the future

    The standards of conduct in the electricity and gas supply licences set out that suppliers must ensure that “each Domestic Customer, including each Domestic Customer in a Vulnerable Situation, is treated Fairly”. This licence condition is principles-based and so exactly how each supplier interprets it is up to them. Although,...

  • Regulation and policy

    Editor’s Pick | BEIS announces new measures to protect PPM customers

    New measures are being introduced to protect prepayment meter (PPM) customers during the Covid-19 outbreak, BEIS announced on 19 March. PPM customers, who may not be able to add credit can speak to their supplier about options to keep them supplied. This could include nominating a third party for credit top...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    The 2020 oil price crash: How does it compare to previous events?

    This feature is part of our new Energy Market Watch coverage where each week we will provide insights and analysis on the latest trends in commodity markets, grid balancing and market fundamentals as the impacts of COVID-19 continue to emerge. You can sign up for the regular free update here. Brent crude oil...