supplier exit

  • Home supply and services

    37 suppliers remain in domestic energy market

    2021 has seen 14 domestic supply market exits to date, including the most recent three companies to use the Supplier of Last Resort (SoLR) process on Wednesday 29 September 2021: Igloo Energy (0.59% market share), Symbio Energy (0.04% market share) and ENSTROGA (0.09% market share). In September alone, nine suppliers...

  • Regulation and policy

    Is there an energy supplier heaven?

    Hapless demise Toto Energy’s exit of the market on 23 October pushed the number of suppliers leaving the market in 2019 alone up to nine. Alongside this, Gnergy has been issued with a Final Order, while both Nabuh Energy and Breeze Energy find themselves subject to Provisional Orders, meaning that...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Cornwall Insight: extraordinary retail market update

    Following a series of important developments announced today, this Cornwall Insight extraordinary update covers: New information released by Ofgem on RO buy-out fund mutualisation, including coverage of enforcement action against Spark and Economy EnergyThe announcement that Extra Energy goes in to supplier of last resortSummary of a consultation launched by...