• Business supply and services

    A look back at 2020 part 3

    As we take our first steps into 2021, we continue to look back at the biggest developments in the UK energy markets in 2020, setting us up for the significant year ahead. The mergers and exits from the supply market that were seen in 2019 continued into 2020 and led...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    DNO to DSO: A work in progress

    Last month the Electricity Network Association (ENA) published updated figures regarding the procurement of Distribution Network Operator (DNO) flexibility services. This is the latest update from the ENA since April this year, with the document highlighting the historical uptake of services across the DNO regions. The publication also provides projections...

  • E-mobility and low carbon

    Electric vehicle smart charging – easier said than done?

    National Grid’s Future Energy Scenarios 2018 provides the most detailed view yet from the annually updated publication of the predicted impact of electric vehicles (EVs) on the electricity system. It confirms that provided EV “smart charging” becomes prevalent, the increase in peak demand arising from the anticipated rise in EVs can be...