
  • Home supply and services

    Reforming Energy Bills: What’s on the Table?

    There has been much speculation in the energy industry over what reforms to household energy bills could potentially be introduced, particularly with Ofgem due to announce its Q3 (July – September) 2024 Default Tariff Cap figures on Friday (24th). With so many areas under review, we’ve put together an overview...

  • Low carbon generation

    Latest developments in the TPI space

    We recently published our 2023 Annual TPI report which provides an independent review and analysis of the market for TPIs, and the services provided by them. The report also looks at the current challenges and opportunities for TPIs, such as regulatory changes, competition with suppliers, and diversification of services. 2023...

  • Regulation and policy

    What’s going on with REGOs?

    Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin, more commonly referred to as REGOs, are certificates issued to accredited renewable generators for every MWh of electricity they produce over a year period. The initial intentions of these certificates were to provide suppliers a means to prove the level of renewable generation they received...

  • Home supply and services

    Ofgem strives to improve consumer experiences across both the domestic and non-domestic sectors

    Over the last week, a number of anticipated publications were issued by Ofgem that hold the potential to make a significant change to the requirements on both domestic and non-domestic suppliers. The findings of Ofgem’s non-domestic market review were revealed, alongside a policy consultation on the options available to address...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Waiting to connect: the problems and solutions for network connection queues (Part 2)

    Network connection queues continue to be a notable topic of interest as many generators face significant delays to project development – an issue that is directly conflicting with net zero ambitions and recent focuses on strengthening domestic energy supplies. In Part 1 of our two-part series on connection queues we...

  • Home supply and services

    Addressing consumer harms in the non-domestic market

    In recent months, Ofgem has shone a light on areas across both the domestic and non-domestic market where suppliers could improve their practices for customers and go beyond what they are obligated to do in the licence conditions. In a time of significant and extended volatility, the regulator has brought...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Waiting to connect: the problems and solutions for network connection queues

    The number of grid applications has risen significantly in recent years, resulting in increased pressure on the electricity networks to facilitate new connections. In its Energy Security Strategy, the UK government set out ambitions for 95% of electricity to be sourced from low carbon generation by 2030, and for the...

  • Energy Market Design

    Are prices going to rise in Contracts for Difference Allocation Round 5?

    A number of factors may be about to put an end to the trend for falling energy prices in the Contracts For Difference (CfD) scheme. The CfD scheme has provided strong subsidy support whilst also providing consumers robust levels of protection. High investor confidence and steady reductions in capital costs...

  • Business supply and services

    What happened in 2022 in the energy market?

    The GB energy market never stands still and 2022 was no different. In this infographic, we look back at some key happenings from the past year in different segments of the GB energy market.  Click the image below to see our snapshot.

  • Business supply and services

    Terms and conditions apply: Ofgem looking further into business market

    As turbulence has continued in the wholesale energy markets throughout 2022, including through the crucial October contracting round for the business supply market, non-domestic energy suppliers have come under considerable pressure. Firstly, they have had to attempt to pass through extraordinary price increases to customers in recent months, particularly if...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Energy Market Bulletin: 2022 Review of Power and Gas

    2022 has positioned itself firmly as one of the most memorable for the energy sector in recent years. We have witnessed seismic changes in the wholesale cost of energy, transformational proposals for market reform and two new Prime Ministers. In our last Energy Market Bulletin report of 2022, we have...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Balancing Reserve: ESO proposes new regulating reserve service

    In recent months National Grid ESO has been developing a new reserve service to improve the management of the system and enable the grid to accommodate zero carbon operation of the electricity system by 2025. On 28 September the ESO first announced at their Autumn 2022 Markets Forum, a proposal...

  • Business supply and services

    Improvements for microbusinesses in the market begin to take effect

    Before energy prices began to really soar, in March this year we saw the final package of reforms following the Microbusiness Strategic Review from Ofgem. The outcome of the review was to introduce changes to supplier licence conditions that would improve how microbusinesses are treated in the market. The new...

  • Regulation and policy

    New customer support schemes will need very careful management

    1 October 2022, marked a momentous day for the British retail energy markets, indeed for the nation as a whole. On that Saturday the Energy Price Guarantee (EPG) commenced for household customers and the Energy Bill Reduction Scheme (EBRS) for businesses. Not since March 1990 have ministers had so much...

  • Regulation and policy

    One-hit wonder? Assessing the government’s business support scheme

    Subsidising the unprecedented cost of energy for both households and businesses came in at the forefront of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Kwasi Kwarteng’s “mini-budget” last Friday. Described as “one of the biggest interventions ever made”, Kwarteng confirmed a three-step plan. Firstly, as announced on 8 September, the introduction of...

  • Low carbon generation

    MCS Charitable Foundation – Hydrogen Costs

    MCS Charitable Foundation (“MCS”) in its charity goal of decarbonising homes, heat and energy has commissioned us to calculate the costs of blue and green hydrogen, based on current and projected gas prices. This report sets out our methodology for this forecast, and our findings in terms of delivered prices...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Electricity network reform: where are we now?

    In its Energy Security Strategy (ESS), the UK government set out ambitions for 95% of electricity to be sourced from low carbon generation by 2030 and for the UK to have a fully decarbonised electricity system by 2035. In order to accommodate this ambition, the electricity network will need to...

  • Home supply and services

    Highlights from our Energy Supplier Compliance webinar

    As part of our Energy supplier compliance portal service, we run a webinar every 6 months which looks at key updates.    Our latest webinar looked back at the decisions made under Ofgem’s financial resilience plan. This included strengthening milestone assessments and introducing additional reporting requirements. It also decided on the short-term interventions...

  • Low carbon generation

    Energy System Reform: Ofgem shares plans for Britain’s energy system

    Against the backdrop of record high and volatile energy prices, Ofgem set out on 8 July its view on key aspects of the GB energy system where it considers significant reform is required to deliver a resilient, low cost, low carbon energy sector. Recent developments in the energy market, such...

  • Regulation and policy

    The changing compliance landscape

    In recent months, Ofgem has been increasing its engagement with suppliers to ensure compliance with their supply licences and to deliver more resilient business models. This has been evidenced through a number of actions, such as stress testing suppliers and introducing additional reporting requirements, under the scope of the regulator’s...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    National Grid ESO’s ‘early view’ winter report 2022/23

    We have published an alert on National Grid Electricity System Operator's Winter 2022/23 early view report.  The ESO considers that it is important for industry to be provided with a rough understanding of the situation to come, through the early view report. It is operating under the assumption that the peak...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    National Grid ESO’s ‘early view’ winter report 2022/23

    We have published an alert on National Grid Electricity System Operator's Winter 2022/23 early view report.  The ESO considers that it is important for industry to be provided with a rough understanding of the situation to come, through the early view report. It is operating under the assumption that the peak...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Two thirds of energy industry professionals think the market needs to be drastically reformed

    A survey conducted of over one hundred leading energy market professionals from across the investment and advisory community, by Cornwall Insight, from the attendees of its Financing Net Zero forum, has shown nearly two thirds (63%) of people working in the energy industry1 believe the UK market needs to be...

  • Home supply and services

    Making the switch – how much will really change?

    Last week on 1 July, Ofgem confirmed that the designated Go-Live date for the Centralised Switching Service (CSS) would be 00:01AM on 18 July 2022, as was previously anticipated. The most significant impact of this will be the requirement on suppliers to ensure switches are completed within five working days,...

  • Regulation and policy

    Hanging in the balance – Ofgem’s latest proposals on protecting customer credit and RO payments

    Ofgem has published a consultation setting out its latest proposal to deal with the risks – and costs – of supplier failure. This forms part of a broader piece of work on increasing the financial resilience of suppliers and curbing the costs passed on to all customers after a supplier...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Network charging – what’s been going on and why should I care?

    Across Great Britain there are ~810,000km of wires and underground cables that make up our electricity network. Split between the higher voltage, transmission system and the lower voltage distribution system, these lines and cables are responsible for transporting electrons up and down the country to provide consumers with the necessary...

  • Home supply and services

    Tapestry: Ofgem’s new quarterly Default Tariff Cap

    This article was extracted from our Energy Spectrum publication published 23 May 2022. Energy Spectrum is a weekly news service which keeps you up-to-date with developments in the market. For the full article please contact us at enquiries@cornwall-insight.com The announcement by Ofgem of its minded-to decision in respect of a...

  • Home supply and services

    What is the Market Stabilisation Charge?

    The Market Stabilisation Charge (MSC) requires all domestic suppliers acquiring a customer to make a payment to the supplier that is losing the customer. The charge applies to all switches, so suppliers are not obliged to inform competitors which tariff the consumer switched to or from. It is comprised of...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Cornwall Insight responds to the announcement of an Energy Bill in the Queen’s Speech

    The Queen’s Speech this week included a much-anticipated announcement that an Energy Bill will be introduced at some point over the next parliamentary session. The Bill is a logical conclusion of policy development in the period since the net zero commitment was made in the summer of 2019. It accommodates...

  • Business supply and services

    Ofgem reaches conclusion for the Microbusiness Strategic Review

    The Microbusiness Strategic Review came to a close on 28 March 2022, with four finalised proposals from Ofgem that aim to protect microbusiness consumers and create a more robust framework through which the market can operate. Following the unprecedented rise in wholesale prices and recent geopolitical events, these changes are...