third party intermediaries

  • Home supply and services

    Ofgem strives to improve consumer experiences across both the domestic and non-domestic sectors

    Over the last week, a number of anticipated publications were issued by Ofgem that hold the potential to make a significant change to the requirements on both domestic and non-domestic suppliers. The findings of Ofgem’s non-domestic market review were revealed, alongside a policy consultation on the options available to address...

  • Business supply and services

    Three key themes taking place in the TPI sector

    While discussion continues around the impacts of COVID-19 on energy suppliers, the effects have reached into all parts of the energy value chain. Here, we take a look at the impacts on the TPI sector, alongside other key developments in the TPI market, highlighted in our second quarterly update of...

  • Business supply and services

    New survey shows TPIs at risk of being left behind on technology

    The results from our new survey covering opinions of business energy suppliers on third party intermediaries (TPIs) are published today. It is clear that the suppliers strongly recognise the important role of TPIs in the business supply markets, but equally clear that there is much more to be done in...

  • Business supply and services

    Pricing strategies in the SME market

    Following the transparency measure introduced by the CMA in June 2017, suppliers servicing microbusinesses are required to make their rates easily available to customers. Whilst the majority of suppliers evaluated in our SME pricing reports have introduced online quotation tools to fulfil this requirement, the pricing strategies they reveal vary...