heat networks

  • Heat networks

    Evolving Business Models for Heat

    Heating is responsible for nearly a quarter of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions and therefore decarbonising heat is an essential stage in the transition to net zero. While they currently only provide 3% of total UK heat, heat networks could provide a mechanism for decarbonising heat. Zoning could help remove...

  • Low carbon generation

    Energy System Reform: Ofgem shares plans for Britain’s energy system

    Against the backdrop of record high and volatile energy prices, Ofgem set out on 8 July its view on key aspects of the GB energy system where it considers significant reform is required to deliver a resilient, low cost, low carbon energy sector. Recent developments in the energy market, such...

  • Heat networks

    Heat network approaches being developed by devolved administrations and UK government

    A number of further consultations on the policy approaches for heat networks have been issued in recent weeks:  The Scottish government published its draft Heat Networks Delivery Plan on 15 November, outlining how it will quintuple heat demand provided from heat networks in Scotland by 2030; and The UK government issued...

  • Regulation and policy

    Getting it done? What the Budget means for energy and clean growth

    New Chancellor Rishi Sunak has delivered his first Budget after less than a month in the job. On areas such as the living wage, growth and investment, Sunak said again and again that the government is “getting it done!” However, there was relatively little news in the speech on what...