market share

  • Home supply and services

    37 suppliers remain in domestic energy market

    2021 has seen 14 domestic supply market exits to date, including the most recent three companies to use the Supplier of Last Resort (SoLR) process on Wednesday 29 September 2021: Igloo Energy (0.59% market share), Symbio Energy (0.04% market share) and ENSTROGA (0.09% market share). In September alone, nine suppliers...

  • Business supply and services

    A look back at 2020 part 3

    As we take our first steps into 2021, we continue to look back at the biggest developments in the UK energy markets in 2020, setting us up for the significant year ahead. The mergers and exits from the supply market that were seen in 2019 continued into 2020 and led...

  • Home supply and services

    The end of the beginning: Domestic market share

    With switching rates relatively low (3% for electricity in Q318) and incumbent players still comfortably dominating the markets, you could be forgiven for thinking little is set to change in the Irish domestic supply markets. But we believe a closer look at the regulator’s latest market share figures, with an...

  • Home supply and services

    Irish Retail Market Shares – Search for the Hero

    Just over seven years ago, price regulation in the domestic electricity market was fully removed. This allowed all suppliers the freedom to set their own tariff prices. In the domestic gas market, next July represents four years since Bord Gais was subject to price deregulation, opening up the gas market...