
  • Commercial and market outlook

    What to look out for in 2024

    Cornwall Insight experts provide their predictions for the year ahead in this handy infographic. We have collated some predictions from across our knowledge base to provide a quick snapshot of what to look out for in the GB energy market in 2024. The key highlights include the global discussion on...

  • Low carbon generation

    Analyse thy neighbour: Interconnectors and their importance to future power prices

    Whilst we build towards 2021 and post-Brexit energy markets, focus has been applied to how we in GB strive towards net zero ambitions with a more independent policy agenda. However, regardless of future trading arrangements, interconnectors with EU nations will continue to play a pivotal role in driving wholesale power...

  • Low carbon generation

    Winds of change: Analysing SEM wind forecast accuracy

    Following the publication of the Tomorrow’s Energy Scenarios (TES) 2019, we can expect to see greater penetration of wind generation in the coming 20 years, with installed capacity forecast between 6.0GW to 8.2GW by 2040. As the growth in wind generation continues, forecasting wind accurately will become increasingly important in order to...