
  • Regulation and policy

    Back to the Future: long term vulnerability outcomes

    100 days have passed since the UK was placed into lockdown and, as the government looks to continue easing of restrictions, it’s worth reflecting on where we’ve been and start looking ahead to where we’re going. Thanks to papers from Citizens Advice and National Energy Action (NEA) we now have...

  • Regulation and policy

    Building foundations: Improving outcomes for vulnerable customers now and in the future

    The standards of conduct in the electricity and gas supply licences set out that suppliers must ensure that “each Domestic Customer, including each Domestic Customer in a Vulnerable Situation, is treated Fairly”. This licence condition is principles-based and so exactly how each supplier interprets it is up to them. Although,...

  • Regulation and policy

    New Year’s Resolution – Improve the Protections Given to Vulnerable Consumers

    Ofgem published its final Consumer Vulnerability Strategy (CVS) in October, setting out how it plans to tackle vulnerability in the energy market. While the CVS covers the time period up until 2025 the regulator gives us an idea of what to expect in the first year of the strategy in...