
  • Announcement

    2022/23 Australian energy insights report

    Analytics on key current developments in the Australian energy industry Cornwall Insight Australia has released its latest compilation of Australian energy insights, charts, and analyses. The report includes the topics of energy storage and flexibility, generation (all technologies), power prices, low carbon generation, FCAS, policy and regulation, electric vehicles, and...

  • Announcement

    2021/22 Australian energy insights report

    Analytics on key current developments in the Australian energy industry are available Cornwall Insight Australia has released a compilation of Australian energy insights, charts, and analyses. The report includes the topics of energy storage and flexibility, generation (all technologies), power prices, low carbon generation, FCAS, policy and regulation, and transmission...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Emerging utility business models

    This article is from our latest Energy Spectrum and the January 2022 issue of EEnergy Informer, a newsletter edited by Fereidoon Sioshansi of Menlo Energy Economics and editor of Variable Generation, Flexible Demand. As numerous prior articles have pointed out, the traditional utility business model seems to be on its...

  • Power and gas networks

    Location, location: The increasing complexity of embedded benefits

    There is growing recognition of the need to reform our current network arrangements to support a more dynamic and flexible electricity system as we undergo the transition to net zero. Among the network elements currently going through a period of review are Distribution Use of System (DUoS) charges, which recover...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    The future of power prices: Black swans and dragon kings

    Understanding the long-term trajectory of the wholesale market is critical to new generation assets and their investment viability. Here at Cornwall Insight, we support market participants in assessing the potential outlook for wholesale power markets through our long-term market Benchmark Power Curve service. We’ve just updated our latest curves out...

  • Low carbon generation

    Sail away: Offshore wind vs. RESS

    Last week the European Commission proposed a “Climate Law” enshrining in legislation the objective of achieving climate neutrality by 2050. In this week’s blog, we consider the role of wind in achieving this goal, and Irelands role in the European Green Deal. As we would expect, the green deal identifies...

  • Low carbon generation

    In from the storm: Record wind generation in February

    February saw wind generation reach its highest recorded output in the SEM. This came in a month that saw the island of Ireland hit by two storms within a matter of days. Storms Dennis and Ciara brought with them strong winds, helping to weigh upon wholesale power prices throughout the...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Editor’s Pick | Is ESB’s market dominance still a concern?

    The Electricity Supply Board (ESB). It doesn’t take too long venturing into the Irish energy sector before one encounters this company. Founded in 1927, the former monopoly provider was responsible for rural electrification in 1946. ESB group companies own the network and participate in generation and supply markets. In the...

  • Announcement

    New: Benchmark Power Curve service launched

    Cornwall Insight has recently launched its new Benchmark Power Curve (CI BPC) service to complement its already deep set of wholesale research subscription services. The CI BPC is a comprehensive market and asset-level power price modelling service that delivers long-term price forecasts, informed by industry-leading regulatory, market and policy expertise,...

  • Low carbon generation

    Easter weekend – a glimpse into the future for wholesale power?

    In what has previously been a rare occurrence on the GB transmission system, the minimum daytime demand dropped below night time minimum demand twice in succession over the Easter weekend, as high levels of embedded solar generation reduced the need for grid connected energy production. In this blog we look...

  • Low carbon generation

    Through the dark: Transformation for community energy

    Community energy generation in Ireland is currently at a nascent stage, but developments in 2019 could see it become a major player in energy generation. Most community energy funding is spent on energy efficiency rather than energy generation. Our research indicates that there is as little as 6MW of community-owned...

  • Home supply and services

    Smart export guarantee

    This summary outlines Cornwall Insight’s response to BEIS’ January consultation on the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG). It expresses support for the broad thrust of the SEG proposals and identifies key issues for further consideration. Overview The proposals set out in the 8 January document The Future for Small-scale Low-carbon Generation...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Local hero: constraints and security of supply

    Security of supply is back on the agenda. Last week saw the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) publish its Electricity Security of Supply Report 2018. Replicating the analysis from the long-awaited All-Island Generation Capacity Statement 2018-2027 (GCS), it showed Ireland facing potential deficits within the next 6-9 years. The very same...

  • Announcement

    Navigating I-SEM event – an industry up to the challenge

    The Irish and Northern Irish electricity sector is undergoing its most drastic change in a generation. The move to the Integrated Single Electricity Market (I-SEM) on 1 October will see the Irish and Northern Irish markets shift radically from the status quo. Against this backdrop, on Tuesday 18 September Cornwall...

  • Low carbon generation

    Q118 FiT costs confirmed at £290mn

    Suppliers were invoiced for Q118 (January – March) Feed-in Tariff levelisation on 25 April, confirming total scheme costs for the quarter at just under £290mn. This consisted of £281.7mn in generation payments, £7.7mn in deemed export payments and £0.3mn in qualifying costs that help cover the supplier cost to administer...