
  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Caught in the balance: Assessing amber alerts in the SEM

    SEMO announced on 21 January that it was issuing an amber alert. This happens when the system margin is at a level where a trip of the largest in-feed would give rise to a reasonable possibility of either a failure to meet system demand, or cause a significant deviation in system...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Local hero: constraints and security of supply

    Security of supply is back on the agenda. Last week saw the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) publish its Electricity Security of Supply Report 2018. Replicating the analysis from the long-awaited All-Island Generation Capacity Statement 2018-2027 (GCS), it showed Ireland facing potential deficits within the next 6-9 years. The very same...

  • Low carbon generation

    CRM auction: age isn’t everything

    Media reports in Ireland and Northern Ireland are raising concerns over the possibility of power plant closures. The threatened shutdowns arise due to the outcome of the T-1 Capacity Remuneration Mechanism (CRM) auction. The closures may commence as early as May 2018 if the coverage is to be believed. How...