UK Government

  • Regulation and policy

    Is your organisation ready for the Labour government? 

    The new government is wasting no time rolling out its ambitious plans for a net zero electricity system by 2030. In the last few days, we’ve seen announcements on Onshore Wind restrictions, the National Wealth Fund, and the launch of a Mission Control for clean energy.  The proposals are expected...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Waiting to connect: the problems and solutions for network connection queues

    The number of grid applications has risen significantly in recent years, resulting in increased pressure on the electricity networks to facilitate new connections. In its Energy Security Strategy, the UK government set out ambitions for 95% of electricity to be sourced from low carbon generation by 2030, and for the...

  • Regulation and policy

    Energy Price Guarantee to end in April

    I was not surprised by the announcement from the Chancellor today (17/10) regarding the shortened time period in which the domestic Energy Price Guarantee (EPG) will apply, for all the reasons discussed in our report -  Energy Price Guarantee - Counting the Cost - and my accompanying blog. Our report...

  • Regulation and policy

    Government to consult on the introduction of Cost-Plus-Revenue Limit

    The government issued its Energy Prices Bill on 12 October. The bill will put in law a number of the already-announced mechanisms that will be used to support households and businesses this winter including the Energy Price Guarantee and the Energy Bill Relief Scheme. Also announced alongside this is the...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    From zero to hero: Can CfDs split markets and reduce costs this winter?

    Given media comment on the imposition of a revenue cap for low carbon generators instead of migration of existing projects onto a CfD, please find below a blog published by Cornwall Insight three weeks ago. Not only did this note the possibility of the revenue cap being a fall back...

  • Regulation and policy

    New customer support schemes will need very careful management

    1 October 2022, marked a momentous day for the British retail energy markets, indeed for the nation as a whole. On that Saturday the Energy Price Guarantee (EPG) commenced for household customers and the Energy Bill Reduction Scheme (EBRS) for businesses. Not since March 1990 have ministers had so much...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Electricity network reform: where are we now?

    In its Energy Security Strategy (ESS), the UK government set out ambitions for 95% of electricity to be sourced from low carbon generation by 2030 and for the UK to have a fully decarbonised electricity system by 2035. In order to accommodate this ambition, the electricity network will need to...

  • Low carbon generation

    Energy System Reform: Ofgem shares plans for Britain’s energy system

    Against the backdrop of record high and volatile energy prices, Ofgem set out on 8 July its view on key aspects of the GB energy system where it considers significant reform is required to deliver a resilient, low cost, low carbon energy sector. Recent developments in the energy market, such...

  • E-mobility and low carbon

    Key take-aways from the Low-carbon hydrogen roundtable

    Recent announcements from the UK Government have made it clear that the role for low-carbon hydrogen in the UK energy system is set to increase rapidly across the next decade. There was significant focus on low-carbon hydrogen in the Energy Security Strategy, including the doubling of the hydrogen capacity target...