oil prices

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Oil prices are dropping, so why are bills still high?

    https://youtu.be/kEvKyeFGZb4 Video transcript Oil prices dropping… why are my bills still high? Last week, in particular, gas and power prices were very low. Gas for one day was 35p/th similar to what we were used to The drop is because Britain is now a major transit point for gas to...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    The 2020 oil price crash: How does it compare to previous events?

    This feature is part of our new Energy Market Watch coverage where each week we will provide insights and analysis on the latest trends in commodity markets, grid balancing and market fundamentals as the impacts of COVID-19 continue to emerge. You can sign up for the regular free update here. Brent crude oil...

  • Home supply and services

    BBC Radio Norfolk interview: The drop in oil price and the potential effects on customers bills

    Craig Lowrey, one of our Senior Consultants, was live on BBC Radio Norfolk’s airwaves discussing the recent drop in oil prices, following a dispute by Russia and Saudi Arabia over reducing oil production. Craig told listeners that last Friday in response to the Coronavirus hitting global demand for oil, there...

  • Low carbon generation

    Oil prices slump as OPEC-Russia output deal collapses, prospect of price war emerges

    The price of crude oil has fallen by just over a third since last Thursday ($50/bl) after the production sharing deal between OPEC and Russia (OPEC+) seemingly collapsed following an inability by the group to agree a concerted response to the coronavirus outbreak. Having fallen by approximately 10% on Friday,...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Missile strikes and price spikes risk higher bills for UK customers

    The past week has seen a period of renewed volatility in the energy market, notably in the oil price, given developments in the Middle East. With the missile strike by US forces on Iranian General Qasem Soleimani in Baghdad on 3rd January being followed by a retaliatory strike by Iran...

  • Power and gas networks

    Saudi oil attacks raise prospect of higher energy bills

    Confirmation from the Saudi Arabian energy minister that drone strikes had reduced the country’s oil output by around half is set to resonate across the energy markets, given that the country is responsible for around 10% of the world’s oil production. Early trading on Monday has seen the price of...