
  • Energy storage and flexibility

    The new face of frequency response – 1 year of Dynamic Containment

    In October 2020, National Grid Electricity System Operator (NGESO) implemented the soft-launch of the Dynamic Containment (DC) service, the first in a new suite of faster-acting frequency response services. Since its launch, the DC service has been the most lucrative response service and has grown considerably in the past year....

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Inertial dampeners – power system frequency management

    A challenge for a system with 70% renewable electricity, as posited in the Climate Action Plan (CAP), will be managing frequency. Recent experience of our neighbouring market, Great Britain (GB), suggests this challenge may have to be faced in the near term. GB experienced two frequency events during 11 July,...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Like a prayer: frequency market incentives

    The confirmation that I-SEM will finally go live on 1 October this year finally arrived this week. The news turned our thoughts to how the new market will incentivise the correct market dynamics to ensure that I-SEM delivers value. Amove away from a dispatched network to a hybrid model between...