• Energy storage and flexibility

    Frequency Response weekly auction trial summary report

    In line with National Grid ESO’s System Needs and Product Strategy (SNaPS) the ESO is now in the process of trialing weekly procurement of frequency response services. Cornwall Insight will be reporting and analysing on every stage of this trial, as it highlights the potential future for the procurement of...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Frequency Response weekly auction trial summary report

    In line with National Grid ESO’s System Needs and Product Strategy (SNaPS) the ESO is now in the process of trialing weekly procurement of frequency response services. Cornwall Insight will be reporting and analysing on every stage of this trial, as it highlights the potential future for the procurement of...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    What the T-1 auction does and doesn’t tell us about the upcoming T-4 auction

    The T-1 Capacity Market (CM) auction cleared on Thursday 1 February 2018 in round 14 at £6/kW. 5.78GW of capacity won an agreement for delivery year 2018-19 at an estimated cost for the consumer of £34mn. This is the second one-year ahead auction that has cleared lower than expectations; what does this...