energy storage

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Cornwall Insight responds to the publication of the energy strategy  

    The Energy Security Strategy is a very political document that raises as many questions as it answers. There are clear favourites and as much can be read in to what is in the Strategy as what is not. 15 months on from the Powering Our Net Zero Future White Paper,...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Perspective | Is the design of the electricity market costing consumers money?

    This article is from our Energy Spectrum publication which was published on 4 March 2022. It has become increasingly clear the existing market design is unfit for either a future net zero world or a period of fossil fuel price crisis, but what market design might be best for our...

  • Announcement

    Our GB 2021 Consultancy highlights

    We are independent advisors operating across the energy value chain. Our team of passionate energy experts has supported over 120 customers in 2021. This includes generators, developers, investors, network companies and public bodies.Here is a small selection of our work in 2021: Cornwall Insight’s consultancy team provides high-quality insight across...

  • Power and gas networks

    Understanding the backdrop of the UK hydrogen economy

    We are delighted to publish our research note on the hydrogen sector: 'Understanding the backdrop of the UK hydrogen economy'. Serving as a primer for our upcoming series of hydrogen insight papers, we chart the UK’s progress in developing a hydrogen industry. In our paper, we cover essential developments in...

  • Low carbon generation

    Editor’s Pick | IRENA investigates future market enabling technologies

    This article was originally published on 30 September 2019 in Energy:2030. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) published an Enabling Technologies: Innovation Landscape report in early September, highlighting innovations in emerging technologies. The report builds on an extensive report called Innovation Landscape for a Renewable-powered Future: Solutions to Integrate Variable Renewables,...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    A pragmatic review of battery business cases

    As we await the full results of the latest T-4 Capacity Market, which has delivered the lowest clearing price to date for this type of auction, we have been reflecting on the possible business cases for large-scale battery storage. I was speaking on this very topic at the Energy Storage...