
  • Commercial and market outlook

    The Price of Power: How Elections Impact Wholesale Energy Costs

    Introduction With the election looming and the parties battling it out for Number 10, we’re casting our eyes on what lies in store in the wholesale energy markets following the election period, even before the victory celebrations have ended and new policy can be implemented. While each of the parties...

  • Heat networks

    Heat network approaches being developed by devolved administrations and UK government

    A number of further consultations on the policy approaches for heat networks have been issued in recent weeks:  The Scottish government published its draft Heat Networks Delivery Plan on 15 November, outlining how it will quintuple heat demand provided from heat networks in Scotland by 2030; and The UK government issued...

  • Low carbon generation

    Why energy system governance is not fit for purpose

    In my recent blog, the Emperor’s new clothes I referenced a poll of our Financing Net Zero (FNZ) membership which revealed 75% support for an energy systems architect to ensure we manage the net zero transition. In the spirit of independent thinking that Cornwall Insight is known for, I respectfully disagreed and...

  • Low carbon generation

    Ireland to fall short of existing climate targets under BaU approach

    Published on 13 September, a report by the Irish Wind Energy Association (IWEA) has called for a new policy system to enable the rapid deployment of renewable electricity. The third in a series of four studies which make up the 70by30 Implementation Plan, Building Onshore Wind identifies policy changes required for Ireland to deliver the...

  • Power and gas networks

    Understanding the backdrop of the UK hydrogen economy

    We are delighted to publish our research note on the hydrogen sector: 'Understanding the backdrop of the UK hydrogen economy'. Serving as a primer for our upcoming series of hydrogen insight papers, we chart the UK’s progress in developing a hydrogen industry. In our paper, we cover essential developments in...

  • Regulation and policy

    Back to the Future: long term vulnerability outcomes

    100 days have passed since the UK was placed into lockdown and, as the government looks to continue easing of restrictions, it’s worth reflecting on where we’ve been and start looking ahead to where we’re going. Thanks to papers from Citizens Advice and National Energy Action (NEA) we now have...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Editor’s Pick | Regen assesses decarbonised heat market stimuli and pathways

    Regen, in association with Wales and West Utilities, has published a research paper exploring the challenge of decarbonising heat in the UK. The Decarbonisation of Heat paper was published on 9 March. Problem In comparison to other European markets, the UK is still highly dependent on natural gas to provide heat...

  • Regulation and policy

    Editor’s Pick | Net zero: an evolution

    This article was originally published on 28 January 2020 in Energy:2030 Issue 25. Welcome to the last Energy:2030 in its current format. From March, this publication will be called Energy: Net Zero and will be renewed with a dedicated and fresh focus on the challenge of transitioning our energy sector...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Editor’s Pick | Jump start: accelerating net zero commitments

    With the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting having just taken place on 21-24 January, there has been increased focus on global sustainability. In this Perspective, we take stock of the countries and companies that are accelerating net zero commitments a decade or more ahead of the widely held 2050...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Five things we learnt from Energy Spectrum | 655

    A programme as complex as the smart meter roll-out was always going to be subject to significant challenges. Last week BEIS Committee Chair Rachel Reeves commented that the roll-out would not meet its 2020 notional deadline, echoing growing sentiment in the industry but, in this week’s Energy Perspective we suggest that...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Five things we learnt from this week’s Energy Spectrum | Issue 649

    There is scant evidence that dividend payments are crowding out long-term investment in either the regulated or competitive utilities market, while regulators have been lax in policing capital structures of the regulated network companies. In our Energy Perspective piece this week Cornwall Insight Associate Peter Atherton rebuts the argument that...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Cliff-hanger: supplier new entry in volatile markets

    Weekly overview of our Energy Spectrum publication In this week’s Energy Perspective, we set out how recent wholesale price events, and increased volatility generally, could be impacting new entrant domestic suppliers. Where their business model is customer acquisition through cheap fixed prices, accompanied by low levels of trading for risk management,...

  • Regulation and policy

    Inventing the future: innovation in RIIO-2

    Overview of our weekly publication - Energy Spectrum Energy Perspective Last week, we summarised Ofgem’s recently issued consultation on the framework for RIIO2. In this week’s Energy Perspective, we focus more closely on the component parts of the regulator’s latest thinking. While the fact Ofgem has already flagged that network companies should...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Electricity Markets in Transition | A Cornwall Insight and Gowling WLG White Paper

    Cornwall Insight and Gowling WLG have co-authored a thought leadership paper on Electricity Markets in Transition. The focus is on key technology innovations either currently at play, or which can be reasonably be foreseen and what this means for innovators, market participants, and the regulatory and policy setting. The paper,...