solar generation

  • Announcement

    Emissions intensity drops for October 2023

    From Cornwall Insight Australia’s NEM Market Analysis report This October saw a 12.6% reduction in total emissions (accounting for -1.18 Mt CO2-e reduction) as solar and wind generation has increased significantly. The reduction in emissions may continue with the arrival of Fly Creek and Rye Park wind farms expected soon...

  • Low carbon generation

    All-Island wind dispatch-down rises year-on-year

    On 17 September, EirGrid published its Annual Renewable Energy Constraint and Curtailment Report 2019 which sets out the amount of wind and, for the first time, solar energy, that is available but cannot be used by the system (i.e. the dispatch-down of energy). Overall, the dispatch-down of energy from wind in Ireland...

  • Low carbon generation

    RESS-won: renewables on the march

    Yesterday will be remembered as a good day for the Irish renewables industry, with the level of supported renewables capacity set to grow by over a quarter in the next 2-3 years. After years of waiting, the first Renewable Energy Support Scheme auction (RESS-1) results are here (provisionally, pending appeals)....

  • Commercial and market outlook

    AEMO: new markets & standards to help integrate renewables

    The below sample has been taken from our second edition of Energy Spectrum Australia, and if you have enjoyed reading this article and want to read more about the latest developments in the Australian energy market, please contact Ben Hall,,  for more information. On 1 October AEMO published an...