energy supply

  • Regulation and policy

    Hanging in the balance – Ofgem’s latest proposals on protecting customer credit and RO payments

    Ofgem has published a consultation setting out its latest proposal to deal with the risks – and costs – of supplier failure. This forms part of a broader piece of work on increasing the financial resilience of suppliers and curbing the costs passed on to all customers after a supplier...

  • Home supply and services

    Shaken, not stirred: The fate of the supply market

    This Energy market perspective was taken from our Energy Spectrum publication on 4 October 2021. To find out more about a free trial to Energy Spectrum, find out more here or contact Robert on As we enter the winter 2021-22 trading season, the energy supply market remains in intense...

  • Home supply and services

    The default tariff cap and the law of unintended consequences

    With all eyes on the immediate challenges facing the energy supply market and the impact of the default tariff cap as a contributing factor, it is important to note that the cap for the coming winter period should not be considered in isolation and that attention will swiftly turn to...

  • Business supply and services

    Have we given up on competition in the retail market?

    “Q: How does 2pm on Wednesday sound? A: Assuming we still have a functioning energy market that'd be great”.  It’s not really what you expect to see in an email at 5pm on a Friday when trying to arrange a call. But then these are certainly not normal times. In this Energy Perspective, we will...

  • Home supply and services

    What should be the smart response to the smart meter rollout deadline?

    Suppliers are expected to take all reasonable steps to complete the smart meter rollout to all homes and eligible small businesses by 31 December 2020. With just 25 months remaining the National Audit Office’s (NAO) recent report on the programme has found that the number of meters that will be installed will...

  • Home supply and services

    Picking Winner: Valuation drivers in the energy supply

    For more than a decade the number of active licensed energy suppliers has been increasing, slowly at first but dozens a year more recently. This year though that number has tipped in to decline as companies such as Flow Energy, Iresa and Affect Energy have for different reasons left the...

  • Home supply and services

    Index of Domestic Energy Supply Costs | February 2018

    The Cornwall Insight Index of Domestic Energy Supply Costs is updated monthly, tracking the costs that electricity and gas suppliers face. It is baselined to a value of 1,000 points in January 2012 and is calculated using Ofgem’s typical domestic consumption values (TDCVs) for medium users. In February 2018 the...

  • Business supply and services

    Pricing strategies in the SME market

    Following the transparency measure introduced by the CMA in June 2017, suppliers servicing microbusinesses are required to make their rates easily available to customers. Whilst the majority of suppliers evaluated in our SME pricing reports have introduced online quotation tools to fulfil this requirement, the pricing strategies they reveal vary...

  • Home supply and services

    Critical time for the smart meter roll-out

    This year is make or break time in the roll-out of smart meters.  Our research shows that roughly 10mn meters have been installed so far.  That leaves more than 40mn to go, with less than 3 years to do it in. There has been a flurry of recent directions from...

  • Home supply and services

    Small and medium suppliers serve more than a fifth of households

    Following the publication of our Q4 2017 domestic market share survey, we take a look back over the quarter at some of the key trends we have seen in the household energy supply market. 2017 was an exciting year in terms of the movement of consumers between suppliers. Standard Variable...