• Regulation and policy

    Answers to some FAQs about Brexit

    Following the end of the transition period on 31 December 2020 and the signing of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement, aspects of the relationship between UK and the EU in respect of the arrangements for energy trading and cooperation have changed. We set out answers to some Frequently Asked Questions...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Five things we learnt from Energy Spectrum | 663

    At the start of April, National Grid Electricity System Operator (ESO) became a separate legal entity within the National Grid group, separate from the transmission business and with its own licence. In this week’s Energy Perspective, we discuss the move, which marks a milestone in the development of the ESO. We...

  • Low carbon generation

    Carbon prices: a key driver of emissions reduction?

    Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment Richard Bruton was reported in the Irish Times on 29 November 2018 as saying that Ireland is 95% off meeting its binding EU Greenhouse gas targets. Ireland’s draft National Energy and Climate Plan 2021-2030 (NECP) is due to be delivered to the European Commission by 31 December...

  • Regulation and policy

    Budget Alert 2018

    Headlines Chancellor Philip Hammond delivered the government’s Budget on Monday 29 October. The principal changes are: Clarity on carbon pricing, with the CPS rate frozen and a no deal Brexit carbon price confirmedConfirmation of a rebalancing of Climate Change Levy ratesReform of Enhanced Capital Allowances to boost electric vehicle infrastructure...

  • Low carbon generation

    The only way is up: drivers of carbon price increases

    Introduction Significant bullish momentum has led to a 60% gain in 2018 EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) carbon prices (officially known as EU Allowances (EUAs) which represents one ton of CO2). The EU ETS, launched in 2005, has seen significant price fluctuations since its inception. Despite carbon prices starting...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Four insights into post-Brexit energy policy – the Known Unknowns

    Tomorrow marks one year exactly until the UK’s membership of the European Union will lapse, and one year to the day since it formally filed notice under Article 50 to leave the bloc.   Ever since the referendum result in June 2016 the energy sector has sought one thing above...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    This week’s Energy Spectrum overview

    Energy Perspective This week’s Energy Perspective explores BEIS’s latest Energy and Emissions Projections (EEP) published in January 2018, uncovering what the forecasts can tell us about the shifting official view of the energy systems of the future. We focus on the changes since the last EEP’s publication. We highlight how...